Alphonse De Beaummoix

Dragoon of Ishgard

© Vargrom#3767. Final Fantasy XIV Characters.



Race: Elezen (Ishgardian)
Age: 37
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Open – Polyamorous)
Marital status: About to marry (It is complicated.)
Hair: Very dark brown borderline to black with light highlights, the hair is semi long with what can be called ‘controlled chaos’.
Eye color: Dark blue
Visible scars: A scar across right eye, one under his left eye and bit over the nose bridge and left jawline.
Other notable features: Cuts and burns scattered across his body from service to the Holy See, each arm has black tattoos sleeves showing flowers and birds and a large tattoo on the left part of his chest. He has also tattoos on his hands, feet and upper back.
Notable physical weakness: Due he shattered his left leg during battle, he cannot make as high as jumps as he used to do when being on field. If he did try there is a huge risk the bones in his left leg would break. (And he would probably do it if the need demanded it or his ego got too big.) He has recieved aether infused tattoos to help hold the bone together, but still quite a lot of risk.
Nationality: Ishgardian.
Religion: The Orthodox Halonic Church. (Although not overly religious.)
Steed: A white war chocobo named Flicka. Very loyal to Alphonse.


Primary weaponskills: Lance - General close combat
Professional Skills: Dragoon - Bodyguard - Caravan Guard



While many would view Alphonse as a confident and social man, many others would view him as an arrogant man. A second born son who seem to seek thrills just to get something to chase off boredom. His perks is that he never back off from a challenge, know how to speak with people and generally someone who do try to find some excitement, it be having a meal or explore. However he is quite headstrong that he would go to his limits only to show himself off or have the satisfaction of winning. For him a broken bone or a new scar is something to show off to the ladies. He is quite a flirt towards ladies when he is not on duty.


Alphonse is the second born of House Beaummoix, so he was not expected to inherit too much. Early in life he was sent to training of the ways of the Dragoon, aimed to bring honor to his House. He was quite adaptive for the grueling training and found a strange enjoyment in the thrill of battle. Eventually shortly before the end of the Dragonsong War he did get injured so he had to be off duty until his leg healed. When it did, the peace treaty had been signed as he found himself released from active duty.He did return back to his family’s manor, where he spent a few years just variating between lazy around and spending his time in duels and jousting. He eventually found this absolutely boring and lack of any excitement, yearning for something else. So leaving it all behind, seeking odd jobs here and there. Aiming to experience the world for the fullest.


Old Battles
Are you a veteran from the Dragonsong War? Perhaps can exchange some old stories of those who lived through combat or mayhaps you are another dragoon.
The thrill of the Hunt
Alphonse always quite eager to participate in a hunt, if it is so for a feast or just take care of a beast that is threatening people. As away from the war, he always seek for a thrill.
Night out in Town
Need company to hang out, he is the ever social person who gets easily bored. Happily in talking a ton and have a good time.


Player is +21 years and prefer roleplaying with people over the age of 18 years.Keep in mind to keep IC and OOC separate and to be mature. I am open for adult themes it be shipping and violence/dark themes. More erotic is although only available if feeling comfortable with the rp partner.The player do reside in europe, but is quite a nightowl, but for very late rps they prefer to agree on a time beforehand.What I am not okay with is:
-Character Death
-Underage Character and Players
-Trying to be forced into a erotic roleplay even when the player is not comfortable.
Do feel free to chatter with me through discord if you have any question!
Discord: Vargorm